My review of Biden’s First 100 Days

Overall Score: D

It’s been 100 days of this administration, and so far my overall view of President Biden is that he is basically a chameleon. He loves saying anything just to make his party happy, and a lot of the more moderate policies he campaigned on to appeal to the flip-flopping moderates either aren’t even on the agenda or he has backtracked on. Most of his policy so far has been to appease the “far left” crowd.

Foreign Policy: A-

The majority of America can agree that it’s time to stop the endless and expensive war on terrorism. Biden took a very popular stance by deciding to bring troops home by the end of the year. 

It’s also always a win for us to recognize the wrongdoings in other countries, such as Armenian genocide. It unfortunately does come with a cost. The reason we haven’t done this in the past is because Turkey is our ally and now they have been alienated. Now we need to recognize the CCP’s genocide of the Uyghur muslims.

He has maintained our tariffs with China and Russia, but is still considering re-instating the Iran nuclear program, which could be a huge national security threat.

The reason I gave him a minus is because I would like to see him be harder on China and keep them accountable. He is viewed as a soft doormat in the foreign landscape so far, and has been catering to other countries for the sake of diplomacy.

Environment: F

Cancelling the Keystone Pipeline, pausing all new oil and gas leases and committing to banning fracking (contrary to what he campaigned on) doesn’t eliminate the demand for oil, it just made it more expensive for us to obtain by going overseas. We were finally 100% energy independent, and now we rely on other countries, which also puts us in a bad negotiating position with those countries.

Not only that, it is worse for the environment because we will now be getting our oil from countries who don’t have as strict of environmental regulations as we do. Oil-rich states such as New Mexico, and Indian tribes such as the Ute Indian Tribe are extremely negatively effected by this, as they rely on the oil industry for funding education and other government programs.

Biden re-joining the Paris Climate Accord, and his attempt to “slash greenhouse gases in at least half by 2030” is just for optics. The US has the lowest “net carbon” footprint in the world. We end up not even using our full allotment of credits in the Paris deal (that is costly to be a part of). So now, instead of us just keeping carbon neutral as we have in the past, other countries can buy our credits through the Paris deal (still not paying for our full cost to be a part of the deal), and those countries are now allowed to pollute more. This is worse for the environment than if we were just not a part of it at all.

He also wants to spend $1.7T of our increased taxes on initiatives that over-regulate businesses and will bring in new forms of energy that are just as bad for the environment as fossil fuels, but in different ways that are way less publicized. Instead of focusing on regulating people here and over-taxing, let’s give assistance to other large carbon producers such as China to help get them more eco-friendly, as well as keep them accountable.

Jobs: F-

Cancelling the Keystone Pipeline killed thousands of jobs and did not save us money. The money was already spent for the infrastructure, now those materials sit rotting, useless. This move benefitted Russian Oligarchs and increased our cost of oil. Not to mention is worse for the environment (see environment section above). A Rasmussen poll showed that over half of likely US voters believe this is a bad idea. The other half? I’m convinced many don’t understand the ripple effects of this.

Cancelling the border wall also killed thousands of jobs and did not save us money. It is actually costing us billions of dollars as there are already contracts in place and materials secured that we are obligated to pay for regardless of building.

As for his promise for higher corporate taxes and increased government regulation in the private sector – this is bound to kill more jobs, but this is yet to come.

COVID-19: C-

He’s getting mainly a participation trophy for this one (average grade of C). Although he would like to take credit for a lot of things that were implemented in the Trump administration, absolutely nothing has changed.

The vaccine rollout was exactly on schedule as Trump laid out, and the federal mask mandate was already in place by the institutions themselves.
The reason I give him a minus along with the C is because I would have liked to see all schools reopened by now for the sake of our children’s development, health, and overall well-being. Also for the sake of the parents! 

Immigration: F-

(can I give a “Z”?)

Along with cancelling the already-funded border wall, some of Biden’s policies including implementing a deportation freeze, re-instating “catch and release” policies, and providing automatic permanent citizenship.

As immigration increased, holding facilities were inundated. One Texas facility was at 729% capacity, and facilities in Arizona were at almost 10,000 occupants. Children have been coming over at a rate of 600 per day, and we have over 20,000 children in these facilities, up from a maximum of 750 during the Trump administration. Since then, they have reopened “overflow facilities”.

As we know, the Southern border is responsible for 30% of the human trafficking that comes into our country, and coyotes make an average of $6,000 per child, bringing in hundreds of billions of dollars to the cartel and increasing their influence on the Mexican government. This has also affected American hospitals close to the border being inundated with COVID cases, as no immigrant was tested before crossing the border.

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