
My 7 tips for Working from Home

I get it a lot…how do you stay productive and motivated at home?!

My answer is BALANCE! It’s honestly harder to maintain a work/life balance when you work from home. Sure, you get time back from not having to commute, but you end up using it working because you don’t set limits for yourself.

OR you end up on the opposite side of the spectrum and lose all sense of self/time/goals, etc. and just sit on the couch.

Here’s how I combat it:

1) I only work 2ish hours at a time and then let myself do a “life task” WITHOUT checking any emails or work messages.

After my initial 3ish hours of work in the morning, I’ll do something else…make lunch, take the pup for a walk, do laundry, go grocery shopping, work out…If I know I’ll be away for longer than an hour, I just make sure to check a few more things off my to-do list before I do my “life” task.

Then I’ll work in two hour increments with life breaks in between.

I actually “work” about 9-10 hours a day, so this means that I start work at 7am and end at around 7-8pm before dinner, but I’m able to take a break while getting a few hours of chores, working out, and errands in there so I can completely relax and unplug at night without thinking of work.

2) I have a mini morning routine and actually get ready at the beginning of the day.

It’s definitely not full-on makeup and a cute outfit, but I throw on some tinted moisturizer, lipstick and mascara and wear something other than pajamas. I’m also guilty of not doing this a lot…but on the days I do I feel sooo much better and more motivated.

I like to wear things that are both super comfy and makes you feel good + is appropriate for conference calls. I have my favorite loungewear here.

Columbia actually did a study on the cognitive consequences of formal clothing and it’s really interesting! You can find it here.

3) I have a specific space to work.

It may be tempting to work on the couch while watching TV in the background but you will dig yourself in a deeper and deeper rut if you do this! I also make sure to close the door to my office…this allows me to feel good about having my “life tasks” during the day without getting anxiety that I didn’t get enough done, because I was able to completely focus on work.

4) Blue light glasses

Your eyes strain a lot with all the screens and it personally gives me headaches – these glasses help a ton and I try to use them when watching tv as well.

5) Music influences your mood – and some can kill it.

Decide what music gets your creative juices flowing and do more of that. For instance, country makes me want to go out and explore, which makes me stir crazy sitting at my desk…so I stick to top hits or some EDM. I love that Spotify puts together a playlist of new music that they think you’ll love based on what you listen to.

6) I set my “Big 3” to-do’s for the day and count the day as “productive” when they’re done.

I’m the worst offender of not thinking I’m doing enough, and jam-packing my to-do list. So each morning, I pick the top three things that absolutely need to be done and get those done first. Then, if it takes me all day to do them I feel good knowing that I did the three most important things on my list rather than dilly-dallying around the small stuff.

7) When you’re done, you’re DONE!

Set a time that you absolutely will not work past unless it’s a very special circumstance and stick to it. I used to work until midnight every night and I felt like I was missing my life…ever since I’ve cut back I have soo much less anxiety.

Bonus: Tips for working from home with your partner

I posted this when everyone started working from home during quarantine season, so here ya go!

tips for working from home with your partner

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